
The 2nd Bachelor Journey Management by University of Indonesia

The 2nd Bachelor Journey Management

“Trade, Business and Investment in
the Global Economic Recovery”

Thursday, 25th April 2013

FEUI Campus, Depok, Indonesia


"Balancing Regulation and Innovation in Financial
Services to Support Financial Inclusion in Indonesia"

The MRC’s Bachelor Journey Management (BJM) is an annual forum and event
for bachelor candidates, organized by MRC and Bisnis Indonesia Daily.

The 2nd BJM offers a platform for bachelor candidates to exchange ideas
in an academic and supportive environment. Students will gain feedbacks from
other students, leading academics, and eminent business practitioners.

Those who are interested in attending and presenting their papers should send their
papers to the Committee. Papers may be written in English or Indonesian.

Timeline : 

Registration (CV submission) : 27th March – 9th April (11.00 WIB)
Send your CV to  bjm.mrc@gmail.com

Shortlisting Candidates : 10th April 2013

Case Announcement : 10th April 2013

Submission Papers : 15th April 2013 (11.00 WIB)

Announcement Finalist : 18th April 2013

Organizing Committee : 

Management Research Center (MRC) FEUI & Management Student Society (MSS) FEUI 

Free Registration for Call for Participant

Panitia Bachelor Journey Management 2012

E-mail     : bjm.mrc@gmail.com
Telepon   : 021-7272425 Ext. 503
                 Djaffri (0811 9208 485) / Tria (0812 8023 0055)
Fax         : 021-7863556
Web        : www.fe.ui.ac.id


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